Mexico #SOS132


El movimiento #YoSOy132 invita al mundo a vigilar la elección.

We make a call for the world, the public face, the media that listens, to asure a secure, with no fraud, electoral process, plus the common interest of mexicans in the election. We are a student movement, seeking for fair conditions in our country. We want to gain the place we deserve and stop being slaves of the centralized channel of information and the criminalized government.

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Convocatoria SAID EdoMex 2025
Piden reparar puente en San José
Presentan sustituto del COMIPEMS, así será el paso al nivel medio superior
Claudia Sheinbaum visita Chicoloapan para entregar apoyos
Cartelera Chicoloapan
Llegan caravanas itinerantes por la justicia social
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